Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Women s Rights - 888 Words

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a woman that can be best described under a countless amount of titles. She was a women’s rights activist, feminist, editor, writer, abolitionist, and the list continues. Living in a world in which women were made to feel inferior, Stanton utilized this oppression as a catalyst for permeating into male â€Å"territory†. Fortunately for her, particular opportunities came about naturally, being that she was raised in a privileged household. Her parents were of high respect in their city, and had the means to provide their kids with formal and informal methods of education. A couple years after graduating from the Willard’s Troy Seminary in 1832, she married her husband, Henry Stanton- a fellow abolitionist and antislavery orator. Their marriage is infamous for the exclusion of â€Å"promise to obey† from the traditional vows, due to Elizabeth’s conviction that it translated in both parties not being equal to one another. Even within the confinements of marriage, fortune continued to follow Stanton in her endeavors, because through her marriage she was exposed to even larger pavements of reformation. Stanton was among a group of female abolitionists that traveled to London, England to participate as delegates in the World’s Anti-Slavery Convention. When they arrived to this event, they quickly discovered that meeting’s intentions did not require the presence or involvement of women. The women that attended were neither allowed to vote, or even speak theirShow MoreRelatedElizabeth Cady Stanton : Women s Rights1922 Words   |  8 Pages Abstract Elizabeth Cady Stanton forever changed the social and political landscape of the United States of America by succeeding in her work to guarantee rights for women and slaves. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a leader in the 19th century for women’s activist and women’s suffrage leader. As an active American abolitionist, she gave many lectures and wrote books. Among those fighting for women’s rights, she was a primary leader. Though she was interested in women’s rights from many perspectivesRead MoreWomen s Rights By Elizabeth Cady Stanton1015 Words   |  5 PagesWomen in the 1920’s were expected to keep out of the public eye.  They were not allowed to vote, or serve on juries. Legally, they were supposed to be subordinated.   Women did not have the same rights as men pertaining to their political involvement. Because of this unfair inequality towards them, women decided to take a stance. In 1848 the movement for women’s rights was organize on a worldwide status. In July, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott created the first women’s rights convention inRead MoreElizabeth Cady Stanton : A Radical For Women s Rights1105 Words   |  5 PagesLois W. Banner is the author of Elizabeth Cady Stanton: A Radical for Women s Rights. She is also the author of many other books based on women, such as Women in Modern America: A Brief History. 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BeecherRead MoreElizabeth Cady Stanton: Fighting for Womens Rights Essay986 Words   |  4 PagesElizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Cady Stanton didn’t want to be remembered as a household but the women they will admire. The purpose of this paper is to explain the life of Elizabeth Stanton and how she had a huge effect on the outcome of seeking equal rights for woman. Early Childhood First of all, the most famous influential feminist lead was known when she was a child. Elizabeth was born in November 12, 1815 in Johnstown, NY (Elizabeth Cady Stanton Biography). Her father was a judge andRead MoreEssay on Elizabeth Cady Stantons Fight for Equality 1252 Words   |  6 PagesElizabeth Cady Stanton was not just a mother, daughter, feminist, and writer; but she is the woman who changed the lives of women everywhere by fighting for equality. Stanton lived a normal childhood, but one that motivated her to never give up hope in reaching her goal. 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(Thesis) Elizabeth Cady Stanton demonstrated how she was a hero through her passion for women’s rights, her courage to stand up for what she believed, and her ability to overcome the discrimination that she faced all her life. Elizabeth Cady Stanton showed heroism through her strong passion for women’s rights. All throughout her life, Stanton’s actions showedRead MoreWomen s Degradation By Elizabeth Cady Stanton928 Words   |  4 Pagessexual rights. Our religion, laws and customs are all founded on the belief that woman was made for man† (Stanton) Believed to be one of the greatest and most influential feminists of not only her generation, but of all time, Elizabeth Cady Stanton paved the way for women and their rights in a time when they had none. 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